Sunday, July 24, 2011

Retroactive blogging!

Addendum: Bouldin Creek is not where one lingers with their wireless connection during Sunday brunch. But at least my caffeine needs have been met for the next two days. Now, more life chores and most likely Tar-jay!
New apartment, day one.
I moved in early this afternoon after, I must admit, a few profanity-laden detours due to my utter lack of navigational confidence (if I had just kept going straight, I would have been fine!). In spite of my best efforts, however, I finally managed to find the place. Moving was fairly easy, even though I am on the third and top floor, on account of I only took what could fit in my car, which on account of the mooshies and their accoutrements, was not very much. I will be looking into getting the rest (and there’s not much of it) moved over here. Later on I went to Sanctimonious-R-Us (you might know them as Whole Foods) and spent too much money on celebratory groceries. The groceries were celebratory on account that 1.) they commemorate day one in the new apartment and 2.) I stared down my navigational ineptitude and didn’t skulk back home, even though it took more than one try to successfully drive to Whole Foods. I predict a lethal gas bill over the next month or two. My Welcome to the New Apartment, Self dinner consisted of: lemon and herb-roasted salmon; mashed potatoes with too much butter; grilled corn with chile and lime; sauvignon blanc from Africa bought mainly because it had a twist top and the bottle opener I have on hand at the moment is only suited to beer. I also bought the sort of brownie that inspires those obnoxious superlatives that chocolate desserts always seem to get saddled with (you know, Sinful, Decadent, Extreme, Supreme, Diabolical, Faustian, et al.) but I’ve yet to make a dent in that on account that my dinner was quite rich.
Tomorrow Operation Do Not Live in the Biosphere but Merely Maintain a Mailing Address in Same commences in full effect. I will (try to) head out to Bouldin Creek Café for coffee (as I have no means to produce any in my apartment at the moment) and hopefully wireless internet, as the soonest I can get it here is August 5—the horror. I might also spring for a soyrizo taco, which is El Parasol crave-worthy in its scope. Understand: before I crossed over to the dark side (you might know it as vegetarianism), I was never the sort (at least as an adult) to crave sausage or ground meat products. These were always a take-it-or-leave-it proposition to me. Then Li and I went to Bouldin Creek Café on our first full day here and I was introduced to their soyrizo and now I will spend the rest of my days dreaming of it. Truthfully, it has a bit to do with why I moved here. It would not surprise me in the slightest to learn that the folks at El Parasol and Bouldin Creek Café are in cahoots, conspiring to steadily administer their deadly deliciousness to droves of patrons induced to delirium by their ostensibly simple food.
More to follow!

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