Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Farmington, New Mexico (how prophetic)!

Today has been rocky, and I don't mean as in mountains, although I did pass through Colorado, and prior to that through Moab, Utah, where the cliffs recall baboons in heat, in the most magnificent way. I got majorly derailed and ended up inadvertently touring the Navajo Nation reservation, which I suppose explains why I drove for hours and found nary a hotel (originally when my route assumed a different form than I had planned, I still accidentally ended up in New Mexico, so I figured, hey, at least it's the right state, I'll just find a hotel, stop for the day, and reconfigure my route—NOPE!!!), which ultimately resulted in a panicky gas station scene wherein I learned there was nothing nearby for miles (fortunately this turned out not to be true) after the smoochies had been without water for eight hours. I tried to get them to drink some at said gas station, but they were more interested in making a run for freedom, which did not improve matters.

 I finally found a hotel after detouring yet again to the nearest town, which put me another thirty miles off track, although actually getting into the room with two panicked cats and a dysfunctional door key inspired behavior that when the front desk agent visited my room and mentioned he'd witnessed on the security camera that I seemed to be having a difficult time getting situated resulted in a lengthy apology on my part about how I normally am not the sort to kick doors (although, let's face it, I am a foul-natured little beast and I am totally the sort to kick doors), but the day had been a foul effing day, and my fit of temper actually seemed to make the door more functional (which it did). He replied that he had not witnessed the incident to which I referred and was merely checking in. Oversharing Allison strikes again! So now here I am, with about four hours to go before I reach the farm, provided I don't once again get hopelessly lost. To that end, I forced myself to overcome my longstanding aversion to maps today (apparently Google directions are not infallible!) and bought one of New Mexico, so hopefully that will improve matters.

Although the last part of the day was highly vexing and really drove home for me the need to cultivate a much higher tolerance of ambiguity if I want to continue with this adventuring life, the first part was an enjoyable and scenic drive. I got a late start and didn't leave until eleven a.m., partially because drinking white zinfandel (courtesy of Kris!) and dancing to Motorhead in my hotel room seemed a fine way to pass the evening, and partially because a certain gray-and-white scaredy cat who shall remain nameless wedged himself under the bed by way of a crevice utterly inaccessible to humans. The mooshies have been real troopers throughout this. I was quite distraught this evening that it had turned out to be such a long day for them, which is not at all what I intended or wanted, but they are so resilient, and they still seem to love and trust me, and it is deeply humbling. And now some more zinfandel and the resolution to rage less at unplanned detours and setbacks.

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