Friday, October 28, 2011

Ouch, ouch, my finances! But no regrets.

It’s actually chilly in Austin today (translation: sixty degrees).  For the first time, I’m wondering if leaving all of my jackets in Boise was such a great idea. Not that I had room for them in the car, regardless.

This observation was to be followed by a snarkier one addressed to a Panzer tank with one of those “Coexist” bumper stickers plastered to its backside, something along the lines of, “Hey, Jack/Jill (as the case may be), if you’re so interested in ‘coexisting’ how about you make life bearable for people who have to share the road with you, huh?” But then I went and committed an act of near vehicular homicide myself, so oops, I guess if that person’s name is Pot, then just call me Kettle.

In other news, I perpetrated many crimes against frugality today when I spent a quarter of my first paycheck (sadly, I do not exaggerate) at Central Market, a.k.a The Emporium of Earthly Delights and Financial Ruin. I rationalized doing this because 1.) it was my first paycheck! and 2.) I was required to pick up this paycheck downtown (don’t ask me why), and Central Market was kind of, sort of (not really at all) on the way back home. I am hereby and forthwith self-banned from this place (once again) and pretty much from going grocery shopping ever, ever again. Realizing mid-shopping trip that this was my last shopping trip ever, ever, FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE allowed me to further rationalize the purchase of such things as (in addition to practical, working-stiff lunch supplies, which in no way constituted the bulk of the damage to my bottom line):

Miniature pumpkin cheesecake with a gingersnap crust
Crab cakes from the seafood department
Homemade mashed potatoes from the prepared foods department
Pumpkin and sage ravioli
Café du Monde chicory coffee and some fancy Italian stuff, too
Fresh-squeezed apple-lemon-ginger juice
Pear and crystallized ginger muffins
A loaf of spelt bread (beginning to suspect that wheat and I are not such fine old friends)
Red lentil dahl
Honeycrisp apples
Aged cheddar to go with the above
Edamame hummus
Real apple cider (hard and soft)!
Wine, wine, wine!

Have I mentioned that shopping at Central Market while hungry is the shortest road to Chapter 11? Especially when you have a splitting headache, have already practically overdosed on OTC meds, and are therefore seeking a distraction from the splitting and the achiness of your head?

Combine these factors and you have a surefire recipe for temporary insanity. There again, I suspect I’ve been temporarily insane for the last thirty-two years.

It’s downright autumnal outside: the Lone Star flag snapping in the breeze, billowy white clouds across bright blue skies, goose bumps and deep breaths of cold, clean air, the riotously colorful scarf I acquired when I visited Austin in the spring wrapped around me, warm and familiar.


  1. Sadly, Central Market is a pit of doom for all poorly-paid writers. Couldn't they have a special section for us to come and collect our peanuts? My particular downfall are the bacon (sorry) and cheddar muffins. Worth entering bankruptcy for.

  2. I think the writers section of Central Market is called H.E.B.

    And I bet those muffins are incredible.
