Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cantankerous kitchens and topple tumblr.


Also, while I am probably the last person to realize this, and I'm sure anyone I could possibly warn would only look at me bemusedly and wonder why I was cautioning them against the ills of something whose ills they were able to immediately discern and therefore demonstrate the requisite good sense to avoid it, I cannot caution all y’all strongly enough against using tumblr.

Use of tumblr will magnify any unlovely quality of which you are in possession a thousand-fold. It will have you spewing venom, breathing bile, and screeching daggers. And all that when you’re still only mildly irritated by how dazzlingly user-hostile and inconvenient this website is. I won’t even get into what happens when mild irritation cedes to profound rage, which, friendos, is what you will inevitably experience if you ever have anything to do with tumblr. Ever. EVER.

You are thusly warned: STAY AWAY FROM TUMBLR.

That is all.

This PSA has been brought to you courtesy of Schadenfreudian analysts everywhere. 

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