Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sangria is Not Fruit Juice

I went here last night, where Riki’s birthday festivities were in progress. Shortly after my arrival, I found myself sipping (inhaling) delicious sangria in Mason jars with brightly colored paper umbrellas. This had me shortly thereafter declaring Spartacus as my husband (although, let’s face it, I do that when stone cold sober, so I can’t fault the sangria for that) and loudly advocating for karaoke as the next chapter of the birthday festivities.

Apparently the food here is excellent, too, but I didn’t have a chance to try it since, by the time I got there, the kitchen was closed.

Oh well—next time! 


  1. Oh dear, I'm sorry I missed the best part. Were you standing on the table during the declaration?

    I can attest to the fact that the food is delicious. In fact, I may have to move to this part of Austin so that I can be closer to those palm hearts.

  2. All that was missing was a lampshade atop my head.

    That settles it—I need to get back there STAT and temper my sangria with solids.
