Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NANOWRIMO Stats and a Novel Excerpt.

Today’s the halfway mark, and I am hopelessly, pitifully behind. This Sunday I was ready to scrap it altogether. Having taken a break the last couple of days, I’m feeling less burnt out and more like there might be the kernel of something salvageable in this, even if I don’t win NANOWRIMO this year. Then again, I could still rally in the eleventh hour—we shall see. 


Oops, looks like that link doesn't work. Well, here are the grisly particulars of the tentatively titled Appetite, as they stand right now:

Word Count: 15,698


Here is what Bernice heard when she fed:
            Come on DREAM LOVER come to me BE THE ONE DREAM LOVER be my meat and bones be the marrow spread like butter across my insides I MUST FIND YOU DREAM LOVER I NEED TO EAT I NEED YOUR INSIDES INSIDE OF ME I NEED TO FEED I need something to FILL me I need to feel what you feel I need your mind I need you to be THE ONE and fill ALL MY EMPTY PLACES I need a REASON and I need YOU to be IT I need need NEED many things things THINGS things only YOU can give to me why won’t you give them to me DREAM LOVER I AM SO HUNGRY I HUNGER I AM A MOUTH and an APPETITE
            It was intensity that attracted her. This is what she fed on.
            Only YOU can RESCUE ME DREAM LOVER
            The nature of the intensity didn’t matter: it could be profound sadness, apoplectic rage, overpowering joy, envy, lust, the sort of melancholy that dragged weary souls to the bottom of the deep, deep sea.
            Pick your poison, they said here, this sort did, but such had never been her luxury or, for that matter, her inclination. She was just hungry: a hungry, hungering thing with teeth, and tongue, and mouth, and a boundless, bottomless appetite at the base of it. God, she was ravenous, she just needed to eat and
            DREAM LOVER be MINE
            Her fundamental essence was zero, she was null and void, just hungry, and she needed their frequencies—those things that swirled within them, pulsing reds, turbid indigos, and throbbing violets—to fill the empty EMPY please fill the empty DREAM LOVER
            She needed the thrums and hisses, the flickers and incandescence, the murmurs and screams and sighs and riotous laughter, she need NEED NEEDED
            a SOUL, DREAM LOVER,
            for lack of a better word, but souls were so withholding, were deeply stingy, were deep, deep ravines, in which she traipsed into the darkness, tra la, tra lee, and yes yes YES PLEASE DREAM LOVER I want to trawl the bottom of your BOTTOMLESS scrape the INSIDES of your INSIDES and EAT DREAM LOVER
            but the ravines grew stitches and zipped themselves up tight uptight upright and she was a bruised battered husk of EMPTY that rustled like DEAD LEAVES DREAM LOVER and then fell DORMANT lay SILENT
            LAY SILENT
            this is what I AM DREAM LOVER the long long stretch of SILENCE that never ENDS
            THAT NEEVR ENDS
            and it is that ENDLESS SILENCE
            that will be the END of ME
            DREAM LOVER
            COME HERE

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