Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Food chains and stepping ladders.

It seems that whenever I find myself within spitting distance of the Straight and Narrow Path of Completely Righteous Eating, an insatiable craving for Filet-O-Fish sandwiches sends me on a jag without an end in sight. Depravity! Fortunately, “Not Being a Flaming Hypocrite” was not among my New Year’s resolutions, and I’ve always maintained that when eating becomes more of a chore than a joy, this little experiment in Doing Better (in terms of what I understand this to mean in the present moment) is getting tossed out the window.

So let’s hear it for human fallibility!

However, being a Texas tourist was among my resolutions, and I plan to make good on this either this Sunday or Monday, since I have a—for me, rare—two-day weekend coming up. Essentially, the plan is to get outside of what has alarmingly become my pathetic five-mile radius (work, store, bank, et cetera) and take advantage of living in Austin, a city whose surface I’ve barely scratched, and Texas, a state I have seen more or less nothing of outside of Austin, which I have heard more than once “is not Texas”.  The idea is to undertake an outing once a month that furthers this end.

Now the question is, where to? Some new (to me) and fascinating part of Austin? San Antonio, maybe?

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